Tag "Fishing"
POWER ON AND FISH FAST PLANO’S NEW KVD SIGNATURE SERIES TACKLE BAGS AND DELIVER KVD-LEVEL PERFORMANCE Plano, IL (March 6, 2018) – Kevin VanDam’s all-time record for national tournament wins is proof positive of an ability never before seen in the
Become a Lake Commando
Think you have what it takes to take on Steve Pennaz? We are taking applications from challengers that think they have what it takes. One qualified fan will be chosen to appear on a episode of Lake Commandos and face Steve
Innovative video accessories, such as the XD Flood Light, add versatility and new functionality to the Aqua-Vu experience. Crosslake, Minn. (May 1, 2017) – It’s a mad mad video world; a YouTube nation; a virtual way of life. See
Soldier–You Know Nothing on Sink Rate!
Here’s a tough question for you: Does a superline line like SpiderWire sink or float??? The answer? It floats. A scientist like Berkley’s Joe Meyer, who manages product innovation for superlines, will test you water has a specific gravity of