Tag "Bass Fishing"

I snuck out last Thursday to a public lake within a few miles of NAFC headquarters to tape some tip segments for North American Fisherman’s newest season on NBC Sports. It was a gorgeous fall day, with calm winds and

Originally Published on Nov 30, 2011 “From the Docks” NBC Sports The quickest way to start a fight is to say something is better than something else; in the process you’ll likely step on some toes. Well, I just finished

Karen looked at me with her soft brown eyes and said, “I’d really like fish for dinner tonight.” Well, it was mid-afternoon on a hot August day and my first thoughts were that a batch of fried crappie did sound

It pushed well up onto the 80′ in many areas of the country this past week, including the upper Midwest. The bright sun sure makes the changing leaves incredibly beautiful, however, October heat can definitely make fishing tough. Big temperature