Ask Steve

What happens when you dump two expert anglers on unfamiliar water and tell them to conquer it … and each other? By Steve Pennaz   A Texas buddy of mine and I pulled up to a bar that started in

Rethink spoons as an effective search bait for cold-water bass By Steve Pennaz When most anglers think of spoons, images of grandpa’s tackle box and Canadian fishing trips come to mind. Or maybe deep vertical jigging for bass on reservoirs.

How a non-traditional swim jig technique can help you crack conditioned fish Like a lot of anglers, I grew up fishing bass jigs traditionally, pounding cover with an endless drop-lift-drop-lift routine. And while I caught fish, I didn’t fully grasp

When you fish against a guy like Tony Owens, biologist with the Texas Freshwater Fishery Center in Athens, Texas, you pay attention to the little things or you get left in the dust. Tony not only lives bass every day