Tag "Win What Works Weekly"
Win What Works: November 17 – 23
Steve here. This week’s Win What Works giveaway is for all you cold-weather fisherman. Trilene Cold Weather fishing line is specially formulated for winter weather, with low memory even in sub-zero temps. We are giving away one spool each of 4-,
Win What Works! October 20 – 26
Yeti! Best coolers, tanks, ramblers, and hats on the planet! This week’s Win What Works giveaway are awesome Yeti ball caps for you; the Yeti sticker is for your boat or truck. Enter your name and email to be entered to
Win What Works: October 6 – 12
Abu products ROCK! Share your love-with this official Abu Garcia T-shirt! To enter this free Win What Works give away, just enter your name and email (so we can contact you when you win!) for a chance to WIN!
Win What Works: September 22nd – 29th
Here’s your chance to WIN WHAT WORKS for Steve Pennaz. Enter Below for your chance to WIN! This week you can win two of Berkley’s newest crankbaits—the Digger 3.5 and the Pitbull 3.5.