July 23, 2015 Share

Is Bigger Better? Mammoth 12-Inch Worms!

Originally Published on Oct 13, 2011 “From the Docks” NBC Sports

At the ICAST trade show last July, Berkley introduced their new 12-inch Power Worm. Let’s do the math. This mammoth new worm is 8 inches bigger than a 4-inch worm; 5 inches bigger than the 7-inch worm and 2 inches longer than their already large 10-inch worm.

Are 12-inch worms really necessary?


Let me relate a story about a trip that happened a summer or two back. I was fishing with a good friend on a river that had a reputation for kicking out big bass, but we found fishing to be tougher than hoped. We landed a few small bass and one about 17 inches, but overall fishing was poor.

I noticed a boat working the same shoreline we were and the fact that the lone angler in the boat was fishing water we had already vacated left me wondering if he knew what he was doing. He did. He had landed two 5-pound giants in that “used” water and he did so by fishing 10-inch worms (we used 7-inch).

My take-away from the day was this: when fishing is tough, the temptation is to go slower and smaller, but there are times when bigger and (at times) faster is better, way better. Secondly, going big is often desirable because so few anglers do so and that gives pressured fish a new look, a new bait that they might never have seen before.

So the new 12-inch Power Worm will have a permanent place in my tackle box. And I’ll use it a lot more than I would have a few short years ago.


