Tag "Largemouth Bass"

It pushed well up onto the 80′ in many areas of the country this past week, including the upper Midwest. The bright sun sure makes the changing leaves incredibly beautiful, however, October heat can definitely make fishing tough. Big temperature

Sonar Advice

Years back, a sage angler friend suggested I turn off all the automatic features on my sonar and play with features like sensitivity to learn as much as possible about what was beneath my boat. It was great sonar advice

By Steve Pennaz It took a lure designer in Texas to really open the eyes of anglers to the untapped potential that tweaking the sink rate and action of a lure can have on overall fishing success. What is sink

Originally Published on Oct 3, 2011 “From the Docks” NBC Sports Here’s an easy question, but be careful how you answer: What’s the difference between an 1/8-ounce bullet weight and a ¼-ounce model? If you said “a limit of bass,”